Sunday, January 4, 2009



( Let me send you the article , " WHY BELIEVING IS ENOUGH!" -E:mail me at-- )

I hope this year we let the LIGHT OF JESUS SHINE in our lives and out from us to others. One key element to understand is that IF Jesus is to Shine out from us HE MUST BE IN US !!! And HE is. Let me cite a few scriptures to demonstrate absolutely that Jesus is in All of us and HE WANTS EVEYONE TO KNOW.

Let's note five specific scriptures which show us all that Jesus is in fact in all of us.

John 1:4, " In Him ( Jesus ) was LIFE. There can be no life apart from Jesus. He is the source of our life. We exist in,by,through, and for Him. ( Col.1:14-20).

John 14:20, Jesus said, " In that day you will realize that I am in the Father, the Father is in me and I am IN YOU."

Acts 17:28, Paul talking to the pagan philosophers at Athens said to them, " You live and move and have your BEING in Jesus."

Galatians 2:20, Paul says that " I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ LIVES in me."

Colossians 1:26-27, Paul says that the Mystery of all time is , " Christ IN you the hope of glory."

and last, Colossians 3:4, Paul says "Christ Who is YOUR LIFE"...

This season of the year pictures Emmanuel, or God With Us. But not only God with us like some cosmic visitor from outer space, but God With Us, God Within Us, and We in God and in His life as well. EMMANUEL !!!

So, we see that Jesus is IN us. We don't "feel" Him in us. We don't "see" Him in us. We see our humanity and our self and our weaknesses in us and all the things that make us children of Adam. But Jesus living in us changes our life. It changes our future. It is our Hope. It is the ultimate REALITY. And it is Eternally SURE.

As we begin 2009 let's dedicate ourselves to allowing Jesus to SHINE out of us as we go about our daily activities. Let His JOY flow out of us to inspire others. Let Jesus TOUCH others by your hand and gentle caring concern. Let Jesus IN you help you focus on Positive and beautiful and wonderful things as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8. Let Jesus Shine OUT. Yeild to His life living inside of you.

Let Jesus Shine in '09. Yes, let Jesus Shine out of you bringing light into a dark world. Yes. Yes. Yes. SHINE JESUS SHINE.

Paul Kurts, Pastor

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