Thursday, January 15, 2009


How can you identify the TRUE GOSPEL OF CHRIST?

Paul talks about a 'false gospel' in Galatians 1:6-7. False gospels have been around and with us for a long time. Teachings which say that we are 'separated' from God, or that we must 'accept' Jesus into our life, or that teach that some are 'elected' to be saved and others are 'elected' to be condemned and Damned to Hell forever, or that teach we 'must' DO something in order to be saved are FALSE GOSPELS !!!

For sake of space here, I have a paper, just a few pages in length, identifying just what is THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. I would like to send it to you for your evaluation and encouragement. Just E:mail me (at and I will send it right back to you. ( Remember, I don't want your money.)

Do you really believe that God, our Father, would burn one of His children in an ever burning and torturing hell fire FOREVER for NO reason or for ANY REASON? That He would just elect them before birth to be BURNED ???!!! Well we don't either!

You need to see this paper. Just E:mail me.


Paul Kurts

1 comment:

Timothy J. Brassell said...

Right on Dad Kurts! In our darkness and blindness it is as important to point out the bad in the light of the good! There is a crisis of faith and our need to choose between one of two opinions because of our fallen distinction!

Thank God - for He has chosen properly for us, as one of us, in our place and in our stead, in His Son! he graciously shares His choosing with us in a marvelously winning manner!

Keep the Good News coming!