The devil's lie from the very beginning is that you are not worthy, not good enough, can't become good enough, aren't ever going to make the grade, you are separated from God and you have to do everything in your power to get to God and make Him like you and save you. "You are NOT", is his battle cry.
Satan's very religions from the very beginning have said if you are bad, evil, don't measure up, sinful, or otherwise unfit,then you will not gain the afterlife of happiness and joy. All based on YOU and what YOU do or don't do. Basically every religion the world has ever known has had this basic foundational premise from Zoroastrianism forward.
This Dualism points directly to man and HIS efforts to gain the "happy hunting ground' or afterlife of bliss. But these lies will not get man there from here.
Man is temporal and physical. Man dies and that is it. Unless there is a great purpose and plan of God in place from before the foundation of the world. ( Eph.1:3-14). And that plan involving the very Son of God, Jesus Christ, IS in place.
The Great Triune God NEVER intended for the salvation process and involvement of His creation into His life to be a challenge. Not a possibility. Not a contest. Not a game. He intended it to be a FACT. A Declaration of fact of what it is that He has done from the very beginning. Like the old WWII poster, "He Wants You !" And He does and has from before the foundation of the world. We are His baby. We are His children. We are His project. We are his pottery. We are His workmanship. We are HIS.
God loves us and wants with ALL HIS HEART to live with all of us FOREVER. And in Jesus has made this not only a possibility but a reality. Jesus did it all. Jesus paid it all. This good news is really , "GOOD NEWS" , for everyone.
Greek philosophy says if you don't measure up, you go to "hell". Damnable. Damnable. Damnable philosophy. Fear Religion. Raise your ugly head , AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN.
The truth is REFRESHING. It is pure. It is Assuring. And Alluring. It is God's love expressed in His plan and our involvement IN His life forever. Can you see that?
Take your pick. Greek philosophy which says you may just burn forever, or God's simple truth that He loves you and has saved you and Adopded you and Included you into His life forever. ( Eph. 1:3-14). Believe it !!!
Not Rocket Science my friend,
Pastor Paul Kurts,
Madison, Alabama
“A Love Relationship!”
6 days ago
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