Monday, June 14, 2010


Some have never even thought of this question which is of vital importance and relevance to all humans on earth. That question is, " is one saved by the FAITH OF CHRIST, or is one saved by FAITH IN Christ?" At first this may seem like a non sequitur, but in fact it IS the WHOLE Gospel in truth.

Karl Barth, the great Swiss/German Theologian said that the Gospel turns on prepisitions. How true.

We hear often, " Do you have faith? Do you have faith in Christ? Like that is something great and is going to do all there is in this great Cosmos to save a person. Don't get me wrong , faith in Christ is GOOD. To believe in Jesus Christ is VERY GOOD. Well, how much faith IN Christ is required for salvation? Is it a little, more, or much? Well, how much? Any room for error?

I posit that it is impossible for a human to have faith enough to secure salvation. At best humans can GUESS, OR POSTULATE, OR HOPE, OR ANY NUMBER OT OTHER THINGS BUT faith, I don't think so. At our best , our faith is only partial, limited, and small.

Will that do the work of God? Will that human , small, limited faith conclude the plan of God on this earth? You had better hope not.

There is a better understanding. It simply is this. EVERYTHING DEPENDS AND IS PREDICATED UPON THE FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST.

He is OUR Faith. He has perfect Faith and He gives it to us whether we know it or not.

He is our life. Col.3:4. And if that is so, then He is our FAITH as Well!!!!

We live and exist by the FAITH of the Son of God who lived and died for us and in our place. Gal.2:20.

IN our limited human understanding we can at least have some faith that Jesus' Faith is all we need. And that is enough.

Love to all,


Michael J. Pailthorpe said...

I'm reading Michael Bird's book on this issue...

Unknown said...

Hi Paul
Thanks for this great post!
I venture to go further and say “That without me you can do nothing” It is the drawing of the Father through the convincing of the Spirit that we come to trust by the faith of Jesus as his wisdom changes our minds. jg