Luke 7:40-50, speaks of those who are forgiven much ( us ) who love much and those who are forgiven little, loving little.
Romans 5:20 speaks of Grace always outrunning our sin. "You can't outsin Grace," as I put it.
Romans 5:1-7, speaks of while we all are yet and still sinners, Christ died for us.
I John 1:7, speaks that the blood of Christ cleanses/purifies us of all sin.
Even when John first laid eyes on Jesus, his comment was, "Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." Foolish John, he actually thought that Jesus took away the sin of the world. Either he did or He did not.
In Heb.9:26, we see that Jesus did away with the sin of the world.
And, In I John 3;5, we see that in Jesus, Us being in Jesus, there is NO Sin.
Jesus became sin for us. See IICor.5:19-20. Why? So that we can be called the Righeousness of God.
Where do you stand on the sin question in your life? Are you feeling shame? Do you feel guilt? Do you "want to do better"? Why?
Did Jesus pay it all or did he not?
Let's just cut to the chase:
We are unconditionally loved by the Father.
Jesus' blood forgave us of all sin, past, present, and future.
God has forgotten all of our sin.
If He does, why do we still remember it?
We stand ever present in God's eyes , loved, forgiven, clean, righteous, holy, without spot or blemish, and INSIDE of God's life forever by Jesus declaration.
Can it get any better than that?
What does God think when we sin? Answer: NOTHING. Why? because He has forgotten it. It is covered, forgiven in the Blood of Christ.
We are great sinners. Always in the falleness of Adam. But in Jesus Christ, we are the recipients of Great forgiveness and adoption.
Jesus simply undid or overturned what Adam did and Jesus makes it all right before God the Father. You are in there someplace.
Whatever question you may have, Jesus is the Answer, as Billy Graham says. He is your answer, He is your life. He is your future. He is your everything.
Sin has been dealt with 2000 years ago. Rejoice when you sin. Thank Jesus that He took it on Himself 2000 years ago and you forever stand clean and forgiven and righteous in His eyes.
How good can this get?
Paul Kurts
Pastor Paul
Madison, Alabama
“A Love Relationship!”
6 days ago