. The Gospel according to Western Theological thinking of Dualism and the separation position of humanity and God is so convoluted with all the do's and dont's that it is anything but simple. So, whenever the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is presented to someone often times it is met the response of, " Well, that is TOO Simple." OR, " Well, that is too EASY."
Let me ask you a few questions. What is too simple to be understood about the following points:
God is Love.
God Loves you.
God designed His original plan to be successful for everyone whoever lived.
God knew you and adopted you into his life, in Jesus, before creation. ( Eph.1:3-14).
Adam sinned and brought death on all humans. But, Jesus voided that and brought life.
God has always known you and always wanted you to be with Him forever.
Jesus came to make it all happen for everyone who would BELIEVE.
Jesus forgave all of your and my sins before we were BORN.
There is NOTHING ELSE we can do to make salvation true for us. We can believe or not.
Our sins ( all FORGIVEN IN JESUS ) have NO bearing on our eternal life with God.
You and I were saved before the creation of the world in Jesus who was slain before the creation of the world.
Repentance has NOTHING to do with being " sorry " for past sins.
Repentance ( Gk. Metanoia ) is simply a change of mind of WHO we are in Jesus.
The plan of God was a done deal before it ever got started to begin with.
There is NO such thing as an ever burning , torturing hell fire.(That's Plato's idea)
( Email me and ask for our paper on "Lazarus and the Rich Man".
Oh, you say , "Well that is Universal Salvation." Well, NO IT IS NOT. It is, however, Universal Salvation in HOPE. And, if all humans ever come to the point of believing this truth and accepting it, even 'Post Mortem', then at that point it will be universal salvation for all. But, scripture allows for that to never happen whether it does or not.
Now , I am getting a little deeper than I intended here in this blog. The point is that the Gospel is really GOOD NEWS for all humanity and it IS simple. To make a long story short as we say:
Too simple?, Well, yes for some folks. But keep studying and learning and sooner or later the light will go on for you and you WILL see it.
Paul Kurts
“A Love Relationship!”
6 days ago