The HEART of The Father is the SAME as the HEART of Jesus!!!
Let's make all this God stuff real simple. God is Love and He loves you! He loves you so much, in fact, that He came to this earth incarnate to take you into His life and live with you forever. In His eyes, objectively speaking, it was all a done deal before the foundation of the world. ( Can God really do that???).
Let's understand. God IS Love. He doesn't have some love to share or give, He IS Love. He isn't Love sometimes and something else at other times. HE IS LOVE. The Cross demonstrates that He even loves YOU more than He loves Himself!! He shares that love now with humanity. Love originates with God. He is so Good that He allows us to share in His love and thereby lavish love on our children, friends, mates, and even pets!
The Father's Love is NO different than that of Jesus Christ. The heart of one is the same as the heart of the other including the Holy Spirit. The Father is not angry with humans!!! Jesus did NOT come to take the anger of the Father in our stead. (Augustine and Johnathan Edwards would not like that last statement.) The Father is NOT angry with us. He Loves His Children. It is impossible for The Father do do any thing other than love His Children. Let me say it this way.
My right hand is my right hand. I also have a left hand. But, it is IMPOSSIBLE for my right hand to be my left hand! It is totally my right hand. So it is with God. God is love 24/7 and 365 to put it in linear terms. He is 100% Love. He is incapable of demonstrating anything other than love to us or for us.
While there is much suffering in the world that Jesus promised us all, The Great Triune God has taken care of all of our lives and blessed us in Jesus with all heavenly blessings He has to bless us with. Our future is absolutely secure in His life, in His existence, in His being, FOREVER.
As we allow more and more of the Holy Spirit to illuminate our understanding of Who we are in Jesus and the life He gives, the more the plan of God becomes clearer for all humans who ever lived and will live in God's creation.
In God's Love, Power and future it is all a DONE DEAL. God Loves YOU. And, there is not anything you can do about it.
Paul Kurts
( Check out the blogs listed at the right side of this page for more inspiring Truth of Jesus. )
“Why Jesus Gave Some To Be Pastor/Teachers!”
2 days ago
Amen. Amen and Amen
Hi Paul
I appreciate your blogs. It is indeed good to know that the heart of God beats in rhythm, so too speak, without skipping a beat in other centered love. To also know that this same heart is the center of every human being is a release into His peace. Thank you Holy Spirit in convincing us who Jesus is so that we may come to know the Father. John
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