Woah... one thing we need to understand here is that Condemnation and Damnation are NOT the same thing. You argumentative religious hobbyists can go home now!
We read in John 5:29 that those who have 'not done good' come forth to the resurrection of damnation. KJV. Now Wait just a minute. We know that we are all saved in Jesus Christ. By Grace. Not based upon any thing we have done, good or evil. We know that we all... humans.. were chosen by Christ, and in Christ before the foundation or creation of the world. We know that God so loved the world. Jn.3:16.
We know that all of Adam's family are under the curse of death and condemnation by Adam's sin and fall. We simply inherit that penalty. But... we know that in Jesus that death penalty has been overturned and we are accepted into Jesus' life and receive real LIFE IN JESUS. We are transformed from dead to living in Jesus. I cor. 15:22. We know that this applies to ALL living humans who have ever lived. Eph.1:3-14.
We know also that none of us are any longer under any condemnation in Jesus as Romans 8:1 tells us. So we see all are saved and reconciled in Jesus, we are no longer under any condemnation and have passed from death to life, John 5:24, and are alive in Jesus. So what is this damnation all about?
Simply, if one refuses to accept who he or she is in Jesus and what all He has done for them, then by that refusal they simply will continue to live in a state of damnation or self sufficiency and misery and suffering and perishing and weeping and gnashing of teeth for as long as it takes for them to "see the light" and accept who they are in Jesus and come into the party of heaven.
There is NO condemnation in Jesus. The whole world is under condemnation or death due to Adam's sin and fall--I Cor.11:32--but Jesus has released all of humanity from under that death condemnation through belief in Him and Who we all are in Jesus. There is damnation of self choice by those refusing to accept and believe who they are in Jesus, and that denial and suffering can go on forever--and the Bible calls that HELL.
Good News...Huh?
Madison, AL
Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday was Ascension Sunday. One of the six great feast days of the Christian Church.
Why is it so important and what does it mean for all of us--all of humanity?
It was placed in the church in around the 300's A.D. before the Catholic Church was ever recognised. It was placed to declare the BODILY ASCENSION of Jesus Christ into Heaven. Jesus remains forever human in His eternal existence in His humanity.
In Acts 1:10-11, the angel said, " this SAME Jesus who you see ascending into heavens will come again ." The Feast of Ascension or Ascension Sundany, ( May 16th this year,) declares the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus into Heaven.
This is important for all of us--humanity--for it is in the ascension of Jesus that He takes all of us in His ascension and places all of us at the Father's right hand along with himself. ( Ephesians 2:6).
Not only this, but since Jesus is still human in his existence, we will also be human in our eternal existence with a "spiritual body" of flesh and bone which appears 'physical" and without physical limitations. Not subject to decay or death. See I Cor. 15.
In a sense, the Ascension of Jesus validates the entire Gospel which concludes with all of mankind residing at the right hand of the Father with Jesus, a position of highest love and respect the same as the Father has for Jesus himself.
In our state of Union with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit IN Jesus we will have, as Paul describes in I Cor. 15, our own 'spriitual body' which will appear 'physical' and without physical imitations. We will be able to do all of the things we do now but only better with a 'glorified' body made of spirit but appearing physical.
Ascension Sunday and the ascension of Jesus to the right hand of the Father and taking all of us with Him is vital to our understanding of the Gospel.
A few verses to further study for all of us;
I Cor. 15:47-49. The man Jesus remains a human man from heaven.
I Tim. 2:5, Jesus, the MAN, remains the mediator between heaven and man
Acts 1:10-11 The same Jesus which ascended in Acts 1 will return in the same
bodily form as always--one which He will have forever.
Ephesians 1:3-14 All of humanity has been included in this eternal future in Christ
May God bless all of us in uderstanding this more.
Pastor Paul
Madison, Al
Why is it so important and what does it mean for all of us--all of humanity?
It was placed in the church in around the 300's A.D. before the Catholic Church was ever recognised. It was placed to declare the BODILY ASCENSION of Jesus Christ into Heaven. Jesus remains forever human in His eternal existence in His humanity.
In Acts 1:10-11, the angel said, " this SAME Jesus who you see ascending into heavens will come again ." The Feast of Ascension or Ascension Sundany, ( May 16th this year,) declares the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus into Heaven.
This is important for all of us--humanity--for it is in the ascension of Jesus that He takes all of us in His ascension and places all of us at the Father's right hand along with himself. ( Ephesians 2:6).
Not only this, but since Jesus is still human in his existence, we will also be human in our eternal existence with a "spiritual body" of flesh and bone which appears 'physical" and without physical limitations. Not subject to decay or death. See I Cor. 15.
In a sense, the Ascension of Jesus validates the entire Gospel which concludes with all of mankind residing at the right hand of the Father with Jesus, a position of highest love and respect the same as the Father has for Jesus himself.
In our state of Union with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit IN Jesus we will have, as Paul describes in I Cor. 15, our own 'spriitual body' which will appear 'physical' and without physical imitations. We will be able to do all of the things we do now but only better with a 'glorified' body made of spirit but appearing physical.
Ascension Sunday and the ascension of Jesus to the right hand of the Father and taking all of us with Him is vital to our understanding of the Gospel.
A few verses to further study for all of us;
I Cor. 15:47-49. The man Jesus remains a human man from heaven.
I Tim. 2:5, Jesus, the MAN, remains the mediator between heaven and man
Acts 1:10-11 The same Jesus which ascended in Acts 1 will return in the same
bodily form as always--one which He will have forever.
Ephesians 1:3-14 All of humanity has been included in this eternal future in Christ
May God bless all of us in uderstanding this more.
Pastor Paul
Madison, Al
Friday, May 7, 2010
Man's destiny is God's destiny for man. God's plan for the destiny of man is a done deal finalized in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. There is a little mostly obscure verse back in Isiah 46:10 most would read VERY incorrectly. It reads, " I declare the end from the beginning." Most would read this as , since God knows everything He just knows the end of things as He can see that end and knows in advance how it will all play out. BUT, this is NOT what the verse says. It says, " He DECLARES the end from the beginning. This means that He is completely in charge. His will is involved in the outcome of the future. He is in charge of our life and declares the end for all of His creation. And that end is Good. It is Good News for everyone. He brings it all about as He wishes for His good pleasure.
With this said let's look at a few scriptures which reveal what that "end" for humanity is. Gen.1:26-27, God said let us make man in our image. Relational. Loving. Then in Ephesians 1:3-14, God shows that He adopted man into His life from before the foundation of the world by His Grace. II Tim.1:9. Then through Jesus Christ He seated man at His right hand with Jesus. All of mankind. Then he declares in Hebrews 2:5-8, that ALL things will be put under mans feet and in subjection to man ultimately. All here is the GK. word , "panta", which means the entire Cosmos, the universe, all things.
So the Destiny of man is to be with God, in God, experiencing real life with God for all of eternity. A loving relational relationship of pure joy, peace, harmony, pleasure, and happiness forever.
There is one small ( or large) caveat which man must deal with. And that is , man must believe it in order to experience it.
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
With this said let's look at a few scriptures which reveal what that "end" for humanity is. Gen.1:26-27, God said let us make man in our image. Relational. Loving. Then in Ephesians 1:3-14, God shows that He adopted man into His life from before the foundation of the world by His Grace. II Tim.1:9. Then through Jesus Christ He seated man at His right hand with Jesus. All of mankind. Then he declares in Hebrews 2:5-8, that ALL things will be put under mans feet and in subjection to man ultimately. All here is the GK. word , "panta", which means the entire Cosmos, the universe, all things.
So the Destiny of man is to be with God, in God, experiencing real life with God for all of eternity. A loving relational relationship of pure joy, peace, harmony, pleasure, and happiness forever.
There is one small ( or large) caveat which man must deal with. And that is , man must believe it in order to experience it.
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
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