Hebrews 9:27 is a very misunderstood verse in scripture. Most read it as saying that when man dies he will go to the court hearing in Heaven and be judged and sentenced as if this were some kind of legal system of divine justice. But the verse says after death that the JUDGEMENT will occur for many, if not most. Note, not JUDGING. So what does this word judgement mean?
Judgement here is translated from the Greek word, 'krisis', which means 'opportunity for decision'or, decision time, among other meanings. Most who have ever lived will find out at this opportune time just WHO they are in Jesus. And, that Jesus had saved them through his life, death, resurrection and ascension. They will find out then that they were chosen by the Triune God to be Adopted and included in the life of God IN Jesus from the foundation of the world and before. ( Ephesians 1:3-14). They will find out that God always wanted them, liked them and loved them and wanted to live forever with them.
As they face this 'Krisis' , they will realise that they have one of two choices to make. 1. They can refuse to believe what Jesus did to and for them and continue on in a state of 'perishing' and suffering through unbelief, OR, 2. They can accept and believe what Jesus did for them and to them and live with and in Triune God with pleasures forever more at His right hand.( Ps.16:11). The first choice, we call 'hell'. And, the second choice is choosing to live in the Abundant Life Jesus brought. We call this Heaven. God wants everyone to choose LIFE and REPENTANCE or this change of mind. ( II Peter 3:9). That is WHY He made us in the first place.
God's eternal purpose all along has been for mankind to live and be with and in Him forever. He wants all people to come to see this truth and see Jesus as to how Jesus made it happen for everyone. This repentance ( Gr. Metanoia) is a change of mind and how we view ourselves IN Jesus and acceptance and belief of this truth.
There is MUCH more we could say here. If you want to know more on this truth of your adoption and inclusion in the life of God just go to:
www.graceci.org and request the free booklet, "An Introduction to Trinitarian Theology" or, just download it free off of the literature page.( www.graceci.org )
Paul Kurts
“A Love Relationship!”
6 days ago