. In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus makes a remarkable statement. He says, "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you." Earlier He had said in John 14:20, "...He was in the Father, you are in me and He is in us." The relationship that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit had had for all eternity includes man now.!!! It is a matter of man realizing it. This is WHY Jesus came to the earth in the first place. He came to create this union between and with the Triune God and mankind--humanity.
With this in mind, Jesus did NOT say that the Kingdom of God was 'Available' to humans. He did not say that the Kingdom was a possibility. Quoting Mk. 1:14-15, Jesus said the Kingdom of God is "at hand", Repent and BELIEVE the Gospel. Repent, "Metanoia", in the Greek, meaning change your mind as to Who you are inside of the life of Jesus. The Kingdom is now and here. You can experience it. The FULLNESS OF THE KINGDOM COMES WHEN JESUS RETURNS. Then He says, "Believe the Gospel." It is all about changing our mind and believing!!
The Kingdom of God has always been prepared for humans since before the foundation of the world. Originally. ( Mt.25:31-34). The Great Triune God has always wanted mankind with Him and Inside of His "Perichoretic" life. He wants to share His divine nature eternally with all of us. See(II Peter 1:4). And make no mistake, Jesus made it happen for everyone.
Now a few really difficult theological concepts to wrap our minds around. "Beginners, you may now leave the room."
When God proclaims that He is IN us through Jesus and by the Spirit, He is not just saying He is near. He is not saying that He is in us to just ensure our resurrection. He is not saying that He is in us IF we want Him there and to do our bidding like some "voodoo amulet". No. The Triune God offers and proclaims nothing less than our complete "enmeshing" inside of His life. God offers the same " Perichoretic" dance He shares mutually as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with all humanity. We are IN THE DANCE. We are inside of the life of God. We are inside of His Divine Nature through Jesus. Can you see that? Is it too good to be true? Have you EVER heard that before? You should have. God is a Dad and He wants us IN and INSIDE and WITH and dancing with Him FOREVER. The really Good News is that He has some really "cool" stuff to share with us in PLEASURE forevermore inside of His life. ( Ps.16:11). Thank you Jesus.
We say God is Good. Brothers and Sisters, we can not even begin to imagine what it will be like to live inside of the life of God forever. but, It will be GOOD.
Paul Kurts
New Life Christian Fellowship
Madison, Al
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