Recent discussion has centered around Starving children in third world countries and how does Triune care for or does He care at all for these children. The suffering is extreme and it begs the question where is God?
At the expense of seeming cavalier about this question let's look at life and death from God's perspective.
Triune God gives life to humans in order for them to live through out eternity with Him in the joys of relationship. Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity making this a reality for ALL humans. And all humans have objectively been taken to the Father's right hand with and IN Jesus. From Adam to the last human who will ever be born. ALL.
Triune God does not look at life and death the way we humans do. Death is not the end, but a beginning in His eyes. The beginning of an eternity of relationship inside His life. Human existence is only a few days to seventy or eighty or so years. The only thing required for resurrection is DEATH. So, we all die sooner or later. Then the transition.
Triune has taken care of ALL humanity in Jesus. Look at several scriptural examples of untimely death. God was right there in these circumstances as He is now in all circumstances.
In ancient Israel God had the Israelites kill and destroy the inhabitants of pagan peoples when Israel invaded their areas. God allowed Satan to bring havoc and death to all of Job's children. Herod had all of the male children up to two years old slaughtered after the birth of Jesus. Horrible examples. So, where was Triune God in all of this? What was the lot of these children who suffered and were murdered?
And what about the tens of thousands of Christian martyrs along with children who have been killed over the centuries? Where is God?
In Jesus Christ God has taken care of ALL of His children from Adam forward. I Corinthians 15:22, In Jesus Christ ALL of His children are made alive. All have objectively been taken to the Father's right hand in Jesus. ( Eph.2:6).
In each human's life God has been there. What degree of comfort He has given each dying infant, each infant's mother or martyr we can not say. Only, God is love and He cares for each of His children equally.
He has given life inside of His life to all humans in Jesus through and by the Spirit. He has a wonderful future planned for everyone, dying children in third world countries as well. Pleasures forevermore at His side. He has taken care of ALL of His Kids. You included. Third world starving children included and Adopted too. ( Eph. 1:3-15.).
Remember human earthly life is only for a short period of time. Human earthly existence is only for a short period of time with the purpose to allow all humans to be Adopted into the very life of God and thereby life joyfully forever with Triune God--Father,Son and Holy Spirit--The ONE Great God.
So, God says He is the God of the living and the dead. He has all power over both. The power to give life and the power to resurrect. The power to complete His plan for all of Humanity. He just WINS. And He WINS for EVERYONE. Starving children in third world countries as well.
Paul Kurts
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Just look around the world with all of its suffering, misery, starvation of children, disease, dying and death. Not a pretty picture. Some would even say and do say that "if" there were a God He would not allow all of this suffering to continue. As if that were some test of God's existence!
This world is being largely controled presently by the god of this world, Satan and his fallen angels. ( II Cor. 4:4 ; Eph.2:2; Eph.6).
But, while this age of man continues God's Son has entered this world as saviour and deliverer. Subjectively we see all the suffering, but Objectively God sees the end result and the final outcome of the redemption and salvation of humanity in Jesus Christ. Jesus finished what He came to do. ( John 19:30). But, it is not all "DONE" yet. (Rev.21:6). Ultimately the end result of God's Master Plan which includes ALL of humanity will be "DONE" and COMPLETED with an eternal existence wherein only Righteousness dwells. That day is coming, to be sure!
Satan has been defeated. The Salvation of all mankind has been accomplished in Jesus Christ. That is the Good News. ( You are included too!).
But, where is Jesus now in all of the suffering in the world? Jesus is and continues to be the Saviour of humanity. He is humanity's advocate at the Fathers's right hand. He is the the Comforter in the Spirit which walks along side all people now.
Where there is suffering in dying children in some third world country Jesus in there inside those children gently holding them in His arms of comfort in mind and spirit waiting to carry them to the Father's right hand. ( Eph.2:6). Can you imagine what their lot would be if Jesus did not care or if He were not individually involved in their precious little lives? Sparrows falling and the number of hair on their heads applies too!
We tend to put so much impact on this physical here and now life that often we overlook the REAL life of life IN the Triune God He has created for all humanity.
Make no mistake, the suffering described here is real. But God loves all humans equally and has provided "something" better in life with Him forever.
Where there is sin in a person's life, and there are many, Jesus enters in and assumes the sin and takes it upon Himself. He becomes the sin for us.( II Cor. 5:19-21). He suffers for us. He lifts us up to the Father in the Spirit--FOREVER. Jesus makes it happen.
He does so for the most "saintly" Christian, and for the lowliest child in a third world country or in a major country for that matter.
How Jesus loves us all individually may be subject for debate, but all children in suffering miserable hellish circumstances on this earth can say with all other children, " Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!"
Paul Kurts
Madison, ALabama
Just look around the world with all of its suffering, misery, starvation of children, disease, dying and death. Not a pretty picture. Some would even say and do say that "if" there were a God He would not allow all of this suffering to continue. As if that were some test of God's existence!
This world is being largely controled presently by the god of this world, Satan and his fallen angels. ( II Cor. 4:4 ; Eph.2:2; Eph.6).
But, while this age of man continues God's Son has entered this world as saviour and deliverer. Subjectively we see all the suffering, but Objectively God sees the end result and the final outcome of the redemption and salvation of humanity in Jesus Christ. Jesus finished what He came to do. ( John 19:30). But, it is not all "DONE" yet. (Rev.21:6). Ultimately the end result of God's Master Plan which includes ALL of humanity will be "DONE" and COMPLETED with an eternal existence wherein only Righteousness dwells. That day is coming, to be sure!
Satan has been defeated. The Salvation of all mankind has been accomplished in Jesus Christ. That is the Good News. ( You are included too!).
But, where is Jesus now in all of the suffering in the world? Jesus is and continues to be the Saviour of humanity. He is humanity's advocate at the Fathers's right hand. He is the the Comforter in the Spirit which walks along side all people now.
Where there is suffering in dying children in some third world country Jesus in there inside those children gently holding them in His arms of comfort in mind and spirit waiting to carry them to the Father's right hand. ( Eph.2:6). Can you imagine what their lot would be if Jesus did not care or if He were not individually involved in their precious little lives? Sparrows falling and the number of hair on their heads applies too!
We tend to put so much impact on this physical here and now life that often we overlook the REAL life of life IN the Triune God He has created for all humanity.
Make no mistake, the suffering described here is real. But God loves all humans equally and has provided "something" better in life with Him forever.
Where there is sin in a person's life, and there are many, Jesus enters in and assumes the sin and takes it upon Himself. He becomes the sin for us.( II Cor. 5:19-21). He suffers for us. He lifts us up to the Father in the Spirit--FOREVER. Jesus makes it happen.
He does so for the most "saintly" Christian, and for the lowliest child in a third world country or in a major country for that matter.
How Jesus loves us all individually may be subject for debate, but all children in suffering miserable hellish circumstances on this earth can say with all other children, " Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!"
Paul Kurts
Madison, ALabama
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